Gordon De Jong

Gordon De Jong
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Demography

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. University of Kentucky


Professional Bio

Brief Bio

Gordon F. De Jong (pronounced De Young) is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Demography, and former director, Graduate Program in Demography at the Penn State.

From Kentucky, he earned his bachelor of arts degree in sociology from Central College (Iowa)  and a master of arts degree and doctoral degree in sociology with an emphasis in demography from the University of Kentucky. He did post-graduate work in demography at the University of Chicago.

De Jong joined Penn State in 1963 as an assistant professor of sociology, was promoted to full professor in 1972. He served as acting head of the Department of Sociology in 1979–1980. He was named designated Distinguished Professor in 1991. He has been a catalyst in developing Penn State into one of the premiere national and international institutions for demographic research and training. In 1972 he was co-founder of the Population Issues Research Center, now the Population Research Institute, of which he served as director in 1974–76 and 1982–88.  In 1987 he was founder and until 2013 served as continuing director of the Graduate Program in Demography at Penn State, one of the largest and highly ranked demographic training programs in the United States.

In addition to his positions at Penn State, De Jong has been a Senior Fellow at the U.S. State Department-sponsored East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1978–79, and a visiting faculty at the Netherlands Graduate School in Demography, Institute for Advanced Study, Wassenaar, The Netherlands in 1994.

De Jong is a nationally and internationally known expert in migration and immigration research, social demography, and the demography of Pennsylvania. His funded international demographic research includes projects in Peru, The Philippines, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Israel, Romania, Thailand, and South Africa. Results from these studies have been presented to the United Nations, the European Union, to U.S. national and state government leaders, and at international professional association forums.

His publications include three books, Migration Decision Making, Social Demography, and Appalachian Fertility Decline, and over 125 professional research articles, book chapters, and reviews, focusing primarily on internal migration in the United States and developing countries, immigration to the United States, aging population problems, fertility trends, and teaching demography. Over his career, De Jong has received thirty competitively awarded grants from governmental agencies and foundations to support his research and training activities.

In addition De Jong has authored over two dozen policy research reports on Pennsylvania demographic trends for state government executive and legislative officials, business leaders, and citizens of the state. These results have been presented in briefings and testimony to Pennsylvania  Governors, Cabinet Secretaries, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania General Assembly, House and Senate committees, the State Planning Board, the Office of General Council, and State Data Center Conferences.

Among his honors, De Jong was selected as a Danforth Associate, named to Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Sociology, Men of Achievement, American Men and Women of Science, and has received distinguished alumnus awards from Central College and the University of Kentucky. From Penn State he received the W. LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Award in 1997 for significant contribution to the international mission of the University, the Outstanding Service to the College of the Liberal Arts Award in 2012, and the university Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award in 2012.

Professional activities include service as editor of the prestigious journal Demography, the official scientific publication of the Population Association of America, from 1987–1990. As a member of the American Sociological Association, De Jong served as the elected Chair of the Population Section, an elected member of the Council of the International Migration Section, and a member of the Demography Certification Committee. He is an active member of the Population Association of America, having served as Chair of the Publications Committee and a member of the Clifford C. Clogg Award Committee. He also holds professional membership in the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, the International Sociological Association, and the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.

In addition to these research and professional outreach activities, Professor De Jong’s passion has been teaching. Over his professional career he taught several thousand undergraduate students in sociology classes, supervised a total of thirty-one master’s degree students and thirty-three Ph.D. candidates, and served on the thesis committees of an additional ninety students in demography and sociology at Penn State—students who now work in government, business, and academia in the United States and around the world. He is particularly proud of the 40 cumulative years of competitively-awarded Training Grants from the National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Aging, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to support the training of over 214 U.S. and developing country demography graduate students at Penn State.

Research Activities and Teaching Interests:

Professor De Jong’s teaching and research interests are in social demography, immigration and internal migration, and population aging. His current research program focuses on immigrant human capital and population growth patterns across destination metropolitan areas in the U.S., and on inequalities in health care access and utilization among Mexican children of immigrants in metropolitan destination contexts. Recently completed NIH and NSF grant-supported research focused on the impact of U.S. welfare reform policies on the migration decisions of poor families. Over his career De Jong has conducted external grant-supported research projects on internal and international migration in the United States, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Israel, Peru, The Philippines, Thailand, Romania, and South Africa. De Jong has been awarded a cumulative total of forty years of training grant funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institute of Aging, and the Hewlett Foundation to support graduate students’ training in demography at Penn State.

Professional Awards and Achievements:

  • Outstanding Service Award, Penn State College of the Liberal Arts, 2010
  • Chair, American Sociological Association Sociology of Population section, 2002–2003
  • Elected council member, American Sociological Association International Migration section, 1998–2001
  • W. LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Award, Penn State University, 1997
  • Member, Clifford C. Clogg Award Committee, Population Association of America, 1996–1999
  • Provosts Award for Excellence in Collaborative Teaching, Penn State University, 1994
  • Editor, Demography, 1987–1990
  • Director (founder), Graduate Program in Demography, Penn State University, 1987–present
  • Senior Fellow, East-West Population Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1978–1979
  • Co-founder and Director, Population Issues Research Center (now Population Research Institute), Penn State, 1974–1976, 1982–1988
  • Thirty competitively awarded external grants from governmental agencies and foundations to support multiple population research projects and training activities.

Selected Publications (Since 2005):

  • Bronte-Tinkew, Jacinta.* and Gordon F. De Jong. "Do Household Structure and Household Economic Resources Predict Childhood Immunization? Evidence from Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago." Population Research and Policy Review. Vol. 24 (2005):27-57.
  • De Jong, Gordon F., Deborah R. Graefe, and Tanja St. Pierre.* “Welfare Reform and Migration of Poor Families.” Demography 42 (2005): 469-496.
  • De Jong, Gordon F. and Michele Steinmetz.* "Migration Intentions in South Africa and Elsewhere." pp. 249-267 in Pieter Kok et al. (Eds.)Migration in South and Southern Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Press. (2006)
  • De Jong, Gordon F. "Immigration of Older Adults: Extending the Incorporation Typology." in K. Warner Schaie and Glen H. Elder, Jr. (Eds.)Historical Influences of Lives in Aging. New York: Springer Publishing Company, (2006)
  • De Jong, Gordon F., Deborah R. Graefe, and Shelley K. Irving,* and Tanja St. Pierre.* “Measuring State TANF Policy Variation and Change After Reform.” Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 86 (2006):755-781.
  • Graefe, Deborah R., Gordon F. De Jong, and Shelley K. Irving.* “The Whole is the Sum of Its Parts: Theory, Technique, and Measurement Science  Applied to TANF Rules.” Social Science Quarterly Vol. 87 (2006):818-827.
  • Graefe, Deborah R., Gordon F. De Jong, and Dee May.* "Work Disability and Migration in the Early Years of Welfare Reform." Population Research and Policy Review Vol.  25 (2006): 353-368.
  • Jensen, Leif, Jeffrey Cohen, Almeida J. Toribio, Leila Rodriguez,* and Gordon F. De Jong. “Ethnic Identities, Language and Economic Outcomes of Dominicans in a New Destination.” Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 87 (2007): 1088-1099.
  • Graefe, Deborah R. Gordon F. De Jong, Matthew Hall,* Samuel Sturgeon,* and JulieVan Eerden.*“Immigrants’ TANF  Eligibility, 1996-2003: What Explains the New Across-State Inequalities?” International Migration Review Vol. 42(2008):89-133.
  • De Jong, Gordon F. and Deborah R. Graefe. “Immigrant Redistribution and Life Course Trigger Events: Evidence from US Interstate Migration.”Migration Letters. Vol. 5 (2008): 123-134.
  • De Jong, Gordon F. and Deborah R. Graefe. “Family Life Course Transitions and the Economic Consequences of Internal Migration.”Population, Space and Place. Vol. 14 (2008): 267-282.
  • Gubhaju, Bina* and Gordon F. De Jong. “Individual versus Household Migration Decision Rules: Gender and Marital Status Differences in Intentions to Migrate in South Africa.” International Migration.  Vol. 47 (2009):31-61.
  • Hall, Matthew,* Deborah R. Graefe, a Gordon F. De Jong. “Economic Self-Sufficiency Among Immigrant TANF-leavers: Welfare Eligibility as a Natural Experiment.” Social Science Research.  Vol. 39 (2010) 78-91.
  • Hall, Matthew,* Deborah R. Graefe, and Gordon F. De Jong. The Geography of Immigrant Skills: Educational Profiles of Metropolitan Destinations. Washington: The Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program. Forthcoming 2010.

Research Interests by Concentration


Social demography, migration & immigration, aging
Gordon De Jong