Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Brown University, 1997
A.M., Brown University, 1994
A.B., Brown University, 1992
Professional Bio
Research and Teaching Interests
My research and teaching interests are in demography, social inequality, and polarization in the United States. I have authored dozens of articles and five books on these topics, including Why We Disagree about Inequality: Social Justice vs. Social Order (2023), Race and Ethnicity in America (2017), Portrait of America (2014), Poverty in America (3rd edition in 2013), and Where We Live Now: Immigration and Race in the United States (2009). I have taught classes on social problems, social demography, poverty, and immigration. I also served as Editor of the journal Demography and was elected Vice President of the Population Association of America.
Professional Awards and Achievements
- Vice President-Elect and Vice President, Population Association of America (2017–2018)
- Co-Editor, Demography (2016–2019)
- Raymond Lombra Award for Distinction in the Social Sciences, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State (2018)
- Chair-Elect and Chair, Population Section of the American Sociological Association (2015–2017)
- Member National Academy of Sciences Committee to review the Census Bureau’s redesign of the Survey of Income and Program Participation (2014–2016)
- Council Member (Elected), American Sociological Association, Population Section (2011–2013) and Community and Urban Sociology Section (2013–2015)
- Testimony, U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support, Hearing on Measuring Poverty in America (2007)
Selected Publications
- Iceland, John, Eric Silver, and Ilana Redstone. 2023. Why We Disagree about Inequality: Social Justice vs. Social Order. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
- Iceland, John, Eric Silver, and Kerby Goff. 2023. “Moral Intuitions and Attitudes towards Affirmative Action in College Admissions.” Social Science Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2023.102848
- Iceland, John, and Arthur Sakamoto. 2022. “The Prevalence of Hardship by Race and Ethnicity in the USA, 1992-2019.” Population Research and Policy Review DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11113-022-09733-3
- Silver, Eric, Kerby Goff, and John Iceland. 2022. “Social Order and Social Justice: Moral Intuitions, Systemic Racism Beliefs, and Americans’ Divergent Attitudes Toward Black Lives Matter and Police.” Criminology 60, 2: 342-369.
- Iceland, John. 2019. “Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Poverty and Affluence, 1959-2015.” Population Research and Policy Review 38, 5: 615-654.
- Iceland, John. 2017. Race and Ethnicity in America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Iceland, John. 2014. A Portrait of America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Iceland, John. 2013. Poverty in America (3rd Edition). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Iceland, John. 2009. Where We Live Now: Immigration and Race in the United States. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.