Professional Bio
Research Interests
I am now retired (Emeritus) but continue to serve as editor of Spatial Demography and publish in leading journals across several disciplines.
I have a longstanding interest in spatial demography and the use of spatial concepts, measures and methods to study population health and spatial inequality, and the connections between people and places.
Professional Awards and Achievements
2017 - Recognized by the College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State for having received external funding (training and research awards) for nineteen consecutive years. (now twenty-five years).
2018 - Liberal Arts Professor
2018 - Recognized for securing, as PI or co-PI, 15th externally funded grant while at Penn State (now 16)
2019 - Certificate of Recognition for twenty-five years of service at Penn State
2023 - Emeritus Professor
Service to Academic Journals
2019-present: Editor, Spatial Demography (
2019-present: Editor, Springer Book Series on the topic of Spatial Demography.
2021-present: Associate Editor, Discover Social Science and Health
2020-present: Editorial Board, Geographies
In the past I have served as
- Co-editor, Demography (2016–2019) and earlier on the journal's editorial board (2010–2016). (
- Associate Editor, Demographic Research (2012–2016)
- Associate Editor, Mathematical Population Studies (2020–2023)
- American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2005–2015) - online at
- GeoJournal (2011–2015) -
- Health and Place (1994–2004) -
- Spatial Demography (2012–2015) -
Guest Editor
- 1995 Journal of Geography in Higher Education on “Teaching Medical Geography” Vol. 19 (3) (with Mark Rosenberg)
- 1995 Geoforum on “Geographies of Women’s Health” Vol. 26 (3)
- 2012 American Journal of Preventive Medicine on “GIS and Childhood Obesity” (with Celeste Torio)
- 2013 Demographic Research on "Spatial Demography"
- 2015 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 660 on "Residential Inequality in American Neighborhoods and Communities." July 2015 (with Barrett Lee, Glenn Firebaugh and John Iceland).
- 2019 Special issue of Mathematical Population Studies on spatial mathematical demography, issues 26(4) and 27(1).
- 2020-2022 Special issue of The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences on Suburban Inequality in United States (with R. L'Heureux Lewis-McCoy and Natasha Warikoo).
Publications since 2005
ORCID identifier #: 0000-0002-1645-4854
Scopus ID: 7201477376
Google Scholar:
As of Dec 2023 |
Overall Total | Since 2018 |
Citations | ~7,300 | ~3,700 |
h-index | 40 | 33 |
i10-index | 99 | 75 |
Research Gate
Books & Monographs
Burton LM, Kemp S, Leung M+, Matthews SA and Takeuchi D. (editors) (2011) Communities, Neighborhoods, and Health: Expanding the Boundaries of Place (Springer: ISBN: 978-1-441-97481-5).
Zelinsky W, Matthews SA. (2011) The Place of Religion in Chicago (Center for American Places/University of Chicago Press; Chicago, Illinois). ISBN: 978-1-935-19515-3
Howell, FM, Porter JR, and Matthews SA. (editors) (2016) Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory in Spatial Demography. Springer.
Witherspoon DP, White RMB, Bámaca-Colbert MY, Browning CR, Leech TGJ, Leventhal T Matthews SA, Pinchak N, Roy AL, Sugie N, & Winkler EN. (2023) Place based developmental research: Conceptual and methodological advances in studying adolescent development in context. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Journal Articles
* = Penn State graduate student (+ = graduate student at another institution) at time project/paper was initiated; ** = Penn State undergraduate
Forthcoming (incl. Published Online)
Evans M, Graif, C, Matthews SA. (2023) Infant health and inequality in citywide employment networks. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 64(4)
Yang TC, Kim S, Matthews SA, Shoff C. (forthcoming) Social vulnerability and the prevalence of opioid use disorder among older Medicare beneficiaries in US counties Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences
Barber, B., Kephart, G., Martin-Misener, R., Vallis, M., Matthews, S., Atkins, L., Cassidy, C., Curran, C., & Rainham, D. (2023). Integrating Health Geography and Behavioral Economic Principles to Strengthen Context Specific Behavior Change Interventions. Translational Behavioral Medicine
Matthews SA, Kim P. Activity Space. Wiley International Encyclopedia of Geography
Hashtarkhane S, Matthews SA, Yin P, Mohammadi A, Mohammad Ebrahimi S, Tara M, Kiani B (2023) Where to place emergency ambulance vehicles? Using a capacitated maximum covering location model with real call data Geospatial Health 18:1198
Lewis-McCoy RL, Warikoo N, Matthews SA, Foley NF. (Forthcoming) Resisting amnesia: Renewing and expanding the study of suburban inequality. Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 9(1):1-24 – duplicated as part of a double issue at 9(2):1-24.
Yang TC, Kim S, Matthews SA. (2023) Unemployment and opioid-related mortality rates in US counties: Investigating social capital and social isolation smoking pathways. Social Problems 70(20): 533-553
Kim OS, Han J, Kim KW, Matthews SA, Shim C. (2022) Depopulation, super aging, and extreme heat events in South Korea Climate Risk Management 38:100456
Yang TC, Sun F. Matthews SA. Multiscale dimensions of spatial process underlying US county COVID-19 fully vaccinated rates American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Obradovic S, Matovic S, Rabiei-Dastjerdi H, Matthews SA (2022) An ecological study of vulnerability to COVID-19 in Serbia: Using hotspot analysis for evidence-based population health policy. Forum Geografic XXI(1), 71-82 https://doi.10.5775/fg.2022.103.i
Benassi F, Crisci M, Rimoldi S, Matthews SA. (2022) Migrants' population, residential segregation, and metropolitan spaces: Insights from the Italian experience over the last twenty years. Migration Letters 19(3):287-302.
Hashtarkhane S+, Kiani B, Mohammadi A, Mohammad Ebrahimi S, Eslami S, Tara M, Matthews SA. (2022) One-year spatiotemporal database for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls in Mashhad, Iran: Data on 224,355 EMS calls. BMC Research Notes 15(22) https://doi:10.1186/s13104-022-05905-8
White RMB, Witherspoon DP, Wei W, Zhao C, Pasco MC, Maereg T, & PLACE Development Working Group (2021). Adolescent development in context: A decade review of neighborhood and activity space research. Journal of Research on Adolescence 31(4): 944-965. https://doi:10.1111/jora.12623 (the PLACE Development Working Group includes Bamaca-Colbert M, Browning C, Furr-Holden D, Leech T, Leventhal T, Matthews SA, Roy A, Sugie N, Winkler E).
Hashtarkhane S+, Kiani B, Mohammadi A, Mohammad Ebrahimi S, Eslami S, Tara M, Matthews SA. (2021) Spatio-temporal epidemiology of emergency medical requests in a large urban area: A scan-statistic approach. Geospatial Health 16:1043 https://doi:10.4081/gh.2021.1043
Yang TC, Kim S+, Matthews SA. (2021) Face masking violations, policing, and COVID-19 death rates: A spatial analysis in New York City ZIP Code. The Professional Geographer 73(4):670-682.
Powers, SL*, Matthews SA, Mowen, AJ (2021) Does the relationship between racial, ethnic, and income diversity and social capital vary across the United States? A county-level analysis using geographically weighted regression. Applied Geography 130:102446.
Matthews SA, Stiberman L* (2021) Looking back, looking forward: Progress and prospect for spatial demography. Spatial Demography 9(1): 1-3.
Rabiei-Dastjerdi H, Matthews SA (2021) Who gets what, where, and how much? A composite index of spatial inequality for small areas in Tehran. Regional Science Policy and Practice 13:191-205.
Rabiei-Dastjerdi H, McCardle G, Matthews SA, Keenan P (2021) Gap analysis in Decision Support System for real estate in the era of the Digital Earth. International Journal of Digital Earth 14 (1):121-138.
Burrillo P, Salvati L, Matthews SA, Benassi F (2020) Local scale fertility variation in a low fertility country: Evidence from Spain (2002-2017). Canadian Studies in Population 47:279-295.
Benassi F, Miccoli S, Salvati L, Rabiei-Destjerdi H, Matthews SA (2020) Spatial variability in total fertility rate and crude birth rate in a low-fertility country: Patters and trends in regional and local scale heterogeneity across Italy, 2002-2017. Applied Geography 124:102321.
Sun F+, Matthews SA, Yang TC, Hu M-H (2020) A spatial analysis of COVID-19 incidence rates in US counties: Where geography matters. Annals of Epidemiology 52:54-59.
Chen VY-J, Yang T-C, Matthews SA (2020) Exploring response and spatial heterogeneity in US mortality using geographically weighted quantile regression with a bootstrap enhancement. Geographical Analysis 52:642-661.
Felmlee D, DellaPosta D, Inara Rodis P d C*, Matthews SA (2020) Can social media anti-abuse policies work? A quasi-experimental study of online sexist and racial slurs. Socius 6:1-14.
Smith RA, Kim Y*, Matthews SA, Sternberg ED, Doudou DT, Thomas M (2020) Communal Innovations: Inspiring neighborhoods of hope and advocacy. Journal of Health Communications 25:444-453.
Felmlee D, Blanford J, Matthews SA, MacEachren AM. (2020) The geography of sentiment towards the Women's March of 2017. PLoS ONE 15(6):e0233994
Yang TC, Park K+, Matthews SA (2020) racial/ethnic segregation and health disparities: Future directions and opportunities. Sociology Compass 14(6):e12794.
Matthews SA. (2020) Methods and applications in spatial demography: 2 Mathematical Population Studies 27(1):1-7.
Tarlov E, Silva A, Wing C, Slater S, Matthews SA, Jones KK+, Zenk SN. (2020) Neighborhood walkability and body mass index change: A national study of veterans in large urban areas. Obesity 28(10):46-54.
Matthews SA (2019) Methods and applications in spatial demography: 1 Mathematical Population Studies 26(4):183-184.
Matthews SA (2019) Next steps for Spatial Demography. Spatial Demography 7(2):109-112.
Matthews SA, Bacon R*, Lewis-McCoy RL, Logan E* (2019) Spatial analysis. In Oxford Bibliographies Online (Ed. Baxter J). New York: OUP.
Matthews SA (2019) Spatial analysis (Foundation Entry) SAGE Research Methods: An Encyclopedia (Edited by PA Atkinson, S Delamont, R Williams, A Cernat). Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE.
Kraft A+, Jones KK+, Lin T-T, Matthews SA, Zenk SN. (2019) Stability of activity space footprint and features over six months. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology 30:100287
Borlu Y, Matthews SA. (2019) An inclusive treadmill? Expansion of industrial maize farming and simple commodity producers in Turkey. Rural Sociology 84(3):569-590.
Yang TC, Matthews SA, Sun F+, Armendariz M.* (2019) Modeling the relative importance of within- and between-county effects in an ecological study of the association between social capital and mental distress. Preventive Chronic Disease 16:180491
Verekina NI*, Short PF, Yang TC, Matthews SA, Camacho F, Anderson RT. (2019) Analyzing hospital choice of colon cancer patients in four states in Appalachia. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved 30(2):587-608.
Lee BA, Farrell CR, Reardon SF, Matthews SA. (2019) From census tract to local environments: An egocentric approach to neighborhood racial change. Spatial Demography 7:1-26.
Jankowska MM, Sears D, Natarajan L, Martinez E, Anderson C, Sallis J, Matthews SA, Crist K, Dillion L, Johnson E, Barrera-Ng A, Full K, Godbole S, Kerr J. (2019) Protocol for a cross sectional study of cancer risk, environmental exposures and lifestyle behaviors in a diverse community sample: The Community of Mine Study. BMC Public Health 19:186.
Zenk SN, Kraft AN+, Jones KK+, Matthews SA. (2019) Convergent validity of an activity-space survey for use in health research. Health and Place 56:19-23.
Slater S, Tarlov E, Jones KK+, Matthews SA, Wing C, Zenk SN. (2019) Would increasing access to recreational places promote healthier weights and a healthier nation? Health and Place 56:127-134.
Borlu Y, Matthews SA. (2018) Industrial maize as a commodity system: spatial scale and relations of production in Turkey's agriculture after economic restructuring. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 109(5):629-643.
Tarlov E, Wing C, Gordon HS, Matthews SA, Jones KK+, Powell LM, Zenk SN. (2018) Does effectiveness of weight management programs depend on the food environment? Health Service Research 53(6):4268-4290.
Bagot KS, Matthews SA, Mason M, Squeglia L, Fowler J, Gray K, Herting M, May A, Colrain I, Godino J, Tapert S, Brown S, Patrick K. (2018) Current, future and potential use of mobile and wearable technologies and social media data in the ABCD Study to increase understanding of contributors to child health. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 32:121-129.
Sims D,* Matthews SA, Bopp MJ, Rovniak L, Poole E. (2018) Predicting discordance between perceived and estimated walk and bike times among university faculty, staff, and students. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 14(8):691-705.
Zenk S, Matthews SA, Kraft A+, Jones KK+. (2018) How many days of global positioning system (GPS) tracking do you need to measure activity space environments in health research? Health and Place 51:52-60.
Rabiei-Dastjerdi H, Matthews SA. (2018) The potential contributions of Geographic Information Science to the study of social determinants of health in Iran (Brief Report) Journal of Education and Health Promotion 7(1):17 (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran).
May E*, Azar ST, Matthews SA. (2018) How does neighborhood “come through the door?” Concentrated disadvantage, residential instability, and the home environment for preschoolers. American Journal of Community Psychology 61(1-2):218-228.
Rabiei-Dastjerdi H, Matthews A, Ardalan A. (2018) Measuring spatial accessibility to urban facilities and services in Tehran Spatial Demography 6(1):17-34.
Bopp M, Sims D*, Matthews SA, Rovniak L, Poole E, Colgan J. (2018) Development, implementation and evaluation of Active Lions: A campaign to promote active travel to a university campus. American Journal of Health Promotion 32(3):505-513.
Zenk SN, Tarlov E, Powell LM, Wing C, Matthews SA, Slater S, Gordon HS, Berbaum M, Fitzgibbon ML. (2018) Weight And Veterans' Environments Studies (WAVES) I and II: Rationale, methods, and cohort characteristics. American Journal of Health Promotion 32(3):779-794.
Zenk SN, Tarlov E, Wing C, Matthews SA, Tong H, Powell LM. (2018) Long-term weight loss effects of a behavioral weight management program: Does the food environment matter? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(2), 211.
Tarlov E, Zenk S, Matthews SA, Powell LM, Jones KK+, Slater S, Wing C. (2017) Availability of neighborhood resources to support healthy diet and physical activity among U.S. military veterans compared to the general population Preventing Chronic Disease 14:E111.
Wang M, Matthews SA, Iskandarani K, Li Y, Li Z, Chinchilli VM, Zhang L. (2017) Spatial-temporal analysis of prostate cancer incidence from the Pennsylvania Cancer Registry, 2000-2011. Geospatial Health 12(611):369-375.
Lee BA, Martin MJR*, Matthews SA, Farrell C. (2017) State-level changes in ethnoracial diversity, 1980-2015: A universal trend? Demographic Research 37 (article 33): 1031-1048.
Martin MJR*, Matthews, SA, Lee BA. (2017) The spatial diffusion of racial and ethnic diversity across US counties. Spatial Demography 5:145-169.
Graif C, Matthews SA. (2017) The long arm of poverty: Extended and relational geographies of child victimization and neighborhood violence exposures. Justice Quarterly 34(6):1096-1125.
Kramer MR, Black NC, Matthews SA, James S. (2017) The legacy of slavery and contemporary heart disease trends: what does place encode? SSM - Population Health 3:609-617.
Yang TC, Matthews SA, Park K+. (2017) Looking through a different lens: Examining the inequality-mortality association in U.S. counties using spatial panel models. Applied Geography 86:139-151.
Zenk SN, Tarlov E, Powell LM, Wing C, Jones KK+, Tong H, Matthews, SA. (2017) Geographic accessibility of food outlets not associated with body mass index change among veterans, 2009-2014. Health Affairs 36(8):1433-1442.
Matthews SA. (2017) Uncertain Geographic Context Problem. In the International Encyclopedia of Geography. Douglas Richardson (Editor). Malden, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Clary C+, Matthews SA, Kestens Y. (2017) Between exposure, access and use: Reconsidering foodscape influences on dietary behaviors. Health and Place 44:1-7.
Jones KK+, Zenk SN, Tarlov E, Powell LM, Matthews SA, Horoi I. (2017) A Step-by-Step Approach to Improve Data Quality When Using Commercial Business Lists to Characterize Retail Food Environments. BMC Research Notes 10:35
Fowler CS, Lee BA, Matthews SA. (2016) The contributions of places to metropolitan ethnoracial diversity and segregation: decomposing change across time and over time. Demography 53(6):1955-1977.
Kramer MR, Raskind I, Vandyke M, Matthews SA, Cook J. (2016) The geography of adolescent obesity in the United States, 2007-2011. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 51(6):898-909.
Rovniak LS, Kong L, Hovell MF, Ding D, Sallis JF, Ray CA, Krashnewski JL, Matthews SA, Kiser E, Chinchilli VM, George DR, Sciamanna CN. (2016) Engineering online and in-person social networks for physical activity: A randomized trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 50(6):885-897.
Short PF, Moran JR, Yang TC, Camacho F, Gusani NJ, Mackley HB, Matthews SA, Anderson RT. (2016) Effects of hospital type and distance on lymph node assessment for colon cancer patients in metropolitan and non-metropolitan Appalachian counties. Medical Care Research and Review 73(5):546-564.
Haley D+, Matthews SA, Cooper HL, Haardorfer R, Adimora AA, Wingood GM, Kramer MR. (2016) Confidentiality considerations for use of socio-spatial data on the social determinants of health: Sexual and reproductive health case study. Social Science and Medicine 166:49-56.
Bopp M, Sims D*, Matthews SA, Rovniak LS, Poole E, Colgan J. (2016) There is a app for that: Development of a smartphone app to promote active travel to a college campus. Journal of Transport and Health 3(3):305-314.
Bopp M, Sims D*, Coglan J, Rovniak LS, Matthews SA, Poole E. (2016) Workplace influences on active communting in university employees. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 22(4):387-391.
Winchester M, Belue R, Oni T, Wittwer-Backofen U, Deobagkar D, Onya H, Samuels TA, Matthews SA, Stone C*, Airhihenbuwa C. (2016) The Pan University Netowrk for Global Health: Framework for collaboration and review of global health needs. Globalization and Health.12:13
Fleming ST, Mackley HB, Camacho F, Yao N*, Gusani NJ, Seiber EE, Matthews SA, Yang T-C, Hwang W. (2016) Patterns of care for metastatic colorectal cancer in Appalachia, and the clinical, sociodemographic, and service provider determinants. Journal of Rural Health 32 (2): 113-124.
Wilson D*, Bopp M, Colgan J, Sims D*, Matthews SA, Rovniak LS, Poole E. (2016) A social media campaign for promoting active travel to a university campus. Journal of Healthcare Communication. 1(2):11
Yang T-C, Matthews SA. (2015) Death by segregation: Does the dimension of segregation matter? PLOS ONE 10(9): e0138489
Parker DM, Matthews SA, Yan G, Zhou G, Lee M-C, Sirichaisinthop J, Kiattibutr K, Sattabongkot J, Cui L. (2015) Microgeography and molecular epidemiology of malaria at the Thailand-Myanmar border in the malaria pre-elimination phase. Malaria Journal 14(1):198. Abstract available online at:
Matthews SA, Logan ES*, Bacon R*. (2015) Spatial analysis. Oxford Bibliographies Online – Sociology. Ed. J. Baxter, New York: Oxford University Press.
Lee BA, Matthews SA, Firebaugh G, and Iceland J. (2015) Residential inequality: Overview and orientation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 660:8-16 (July 2015).
Firebaugh G, Iceland J. Matthews SA, and Lee BA. (2015) Residential inequality: Significant findings and policy implications. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 660:360-366 (July 2015).
Kimmick GG, Camacho F, Mackley HB, Kern T, Yao N*, Matthews SA, Fleming S, Lipscomb J, Liao J, Hwang W, and Anderson RT. (2015) Individual, area, and provider characteristics associated with care received for Stage I-III breast cancer in a multisite region of Appalachia. Journal of Oncology Practice 11(1):e9-e18.
2014 and earlier
Graif C, Gladfelter AS*, Matthews SA. (2014) Urban poverty and neighborhood effects on crime: Incorporating spatial and network perspectives. Sociological Compass 8/9:1140-1155.
Anderson RT, Yang T-C, Matthews SA, Camacho F, Kern T, Mackley HB, Kimmick G, Louis C*, Lengerich E, Yao N.* (2014) Breast cancer screening rates and percentage of late stage tumors: Does geography matter? Health Services Research 49(2):546-567.
Yang T-C, Matthews SA, Chen VY-J. (2014) Stochastic variability in stress, sleep duration and sleep quality across the distribution of body mass index: insights from quantile regression. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 21(2):282-291.
Cummins S, Flint E, Matthews SA. (2014) New neighborhood grocery store increased awareness of food access but did not alter dietary habits or obesity. Health Affairs 33(2): 281-291.
Cummins S, Flint E, Matthews SA. (2014) Grocery store and obesity: The authors reply. Health Affairs 33(5):907.
Fleming ST, Mackley HB, Camacho F, Seibert EE, Gusani NJ, Matthews SA, Liao J, Yang T-C, Hwang W, Yao N.* (2014) Clinical, sociodemographic and service provider determinants of guideline concordant colorectal cancer care in Appalachia. Journal of Rural Health 30(1):27-39.
Duncan DT, Kawachi I, Kum S, Aldstadt J, Piras G, Matthews SA, Arbia G, Castro MC, White K, Williams DR. (2014) A spatially explicit approach to the study of socio-demographic inequality in the spatial distribution of trees across Boston neighborhoods. Spatial Demography 2(1):1-29.
Li N, Parker DM*, Yang Z, Fan Q, Zhou G, Ai G, Duan J, Lee M-C, Yan G, Matthews SA, Cui L, Wang Y. (2013) Risk factors associated with slide positivity among febrile patients in a conflict zone of north-eastern Myanmar along the China-Myanmar border. Malaria Journal. 12:361. Available online at
Rovniak LS, Sallis JF, Kraschnewski JL, Sciamanna CN, Kiser EJ, Ray CA, Chinchill V, Ding D, Matthews SA, Bopp M, George DR, Hovell MF. (2013) Engineering online and in-person social networks to sustain physical activity: Applications of a conceptual model. BMC Public Health 13:753. Available online at
Yang T-C, Matthews SA, Anderson RT. (2013) Prostate cancer screening and health care system distrust in Philadelphia. Journal of Aging and Health 25(5): 737-757.
Flint E, Cummins S, Matthews SA. (2013) Do perceptions of the neighborhood food environment predict fruit and vegetable intake in low-income neighborhoods? Health and Place 24:11-15
Matthews SA, Yang T-C. (2013) Spatial Polygamy And Contextual Exposures (SPACEs): Promoting activity space approaches in research on place and health. American Behavioral Scientist 57(8):1057-1081.
Yao N*, Matthews SA, Hillemeier MM, Anderson RT. (2013) Radiation therapy resources and guideline-concordant radiotherapy for early-stage breast cancer patients in an underserved region. Health Services Research 48(4):1433-1449.
Zhang C**, Mosa AJ**, Hayward AS, Matthews SA. (2013) Promoting clean hands among Uganda’s children: A school-based intervention using tippy-taps. Public Health 127(6):586-589.
Matthews SA, Parker DM.* (2013) Progress in spatial demography. Demographic Research Volume 28, Article 10, 271-312.
Fuller D, Cummins S, Matthews SA. (2013) Does transportation mode modify associations between distance to food store, fruit and vegetable consumption and BMI in low income neighborhoods? American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 97(1):167-172.
Yang T-C, Shoff C*, Matthews SA. (2013) Examining the spatially non-stationary associations between the second demographic transition and infant mortality: A Poisson GWR approach. Spatial Demography 1 (1):18-41.
Zenk SN, Schulz AJ, Odoms-Young A, Wilbur J, Matthews SA, Gamboa C, Wegrzyn L, Hobson S, Stokes C. (2012). Feasibility of using global positioning systems (GPS) with diverse urban adults: Before and after data on perceived acceptability, wear-related concerns, and ease of use. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 9 (7):924-934.
Yao N*, Matthews SA, Hillemeier, MM. (2012) White infant mortality in Appalachian states, 1976-1980 and 1996-2000: changing patterns and persistent disparities. Journal of Rural Health 28(2):174-182.
Shoff C*, Yang T-C, Matthews SA. (2012) What has geography got to do with it? Using GWR to explore place-specific associations with prenatal care utilization. GeoJournal 77 (3):331-341.
Matthews SA. (2012) Thinking about place, spatial behavior, and spatial processes in childhood obesity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 42 (5):516-520.
Yang T-C, Chen VY-J, Shoff C*, Matthews SA. (2012) Using quantile regression to examine the effects of inequality across the mortality distribution in the US counties. Social Science and Medicine 74, 1900-1910.
Chen VY-J, Deng W-S, Yang TC, Matthews SA. (2012) A geographically weighted quantile regression approach for spatial data analysis: an application to county-level U.S. mortality data. Geographical