Diane Felmlee

Diane Felmlee
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography

Curriculum Vitae



Professional Bio

Research and Teaching Interests

  • Social Networks; aggression and friendship networks; cyberbullying
  • Social Psychology; friendship and aggression, close relationships, group processes
  • Mathematical Sociology; social networks and dynamic models
  • Sociology of Gender; gendered ties and relationships; gender inequality
  • Quantitative Methodology; longitudinal analysis; interdependent events

Awards/ Honors

  • Springer Nature 2020 Highlights: Article published in Sex Roles
  • Award for Excellence 2019: Outstanding Author Contribution, Advances in Gender Research.
  • Accelerator Award CSoDA. Penn State.
  • Best Article Award: Penn State, Sociology, grad student led
  • Annual Researcher Appreciation Award: Most Outside Collaborator; Penn State.
  • Best Article Award: James Short, Jr. Award, American Sociological Association, Crime, Law and Deviance.
  • Off-Broadway New York Play based on research by Felmlee featuring her as a character. Towards the Fear: An Exploration of Bullying, Social Combat, and Aggression. Provincetown Playhouse, NYC.
  • Outstanding Mentorship Award:  Consortium for Women and Research.  University of California, Davis.
  • President of the Mathematical Sociology Association of the American Sociology Association
  • Visiting Scholar, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
  • Whoโ€™s Who in Academia
  • Phi Kappa Phi

Selected Publications

Faris, Robert, Diane Felmlee, and Cassie McMillan. 2020. With Friends Like These: Aggression from Amity and Equivalence. American Journal of Sociology 126 (3): 673-713. https://doi.org/10.1086/712972

Felmlee, Diane, DellaPosta, Daniel, Inara Rodis, Paulina, and Stephen Matthews. 2020. Can Anti-Abuse Policies Work? A Quasi-Experimental Study of Social Media Sexist and Racist Slurs. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 6:1-14.  https://DOI.org/10.1177/2378023120948711

Felmlee, Diane H., Justine I. Blanford, Stephen A. Matthews, and Alan M. MacEachren. 2020. The Geography of Sentiment towards the Womenโ€™s March of 2017.โ€ PLoS ONE 15(6):e0233994. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0233994

McMillan, Cassie and Diane Felmlee. 2020. Beyond Dyads and Triads: A Comparison of Tetrads in Twenty Social Networks. Social Psychology Quarterly 83:383-404. https://doi.org/10.1177/0190272520944151

Braines, D., Whitaker, R., Felmlee, D., McMillan, C., Julien, C. and Giammanco, C. 2021. From Social Networks to Negative Ties โ€“ Refining Analysis for Conflict and Adversarial Interaction. SPIE DCS 2021.

Felmlee, D., Inara Rodis, P., Felmlee, and Zhang, A. Sexist Slurs: Reinforcing Stereotypes Online. Sex Roles. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-019-01095-z

           Springer Nature 2020 Highlights

Verma, D. C., Gartner, S.S., Felmlee, D., and D. Braines. 2020. Negative Ties based Modeling of Terrorist Incidents. SPIE DCS 2020.

Ashford, J., Turner, L., Whitaker, R., Preece, Al, and D. Felmlee. 2020. Assessing Temporal and Spatial Features in Detecting Disruptive Users on Reddit. 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).

McMillan, C., Felmlee, D., and Braines, D. 2019. Dynamic Patterns of Terrorist Networks: Efficiency and Security in the Evolution of Eleven Islamic Extremist Attack Networks. Journal of Quantitative Criminology

Verma, D., Yarlagadda, R., Gartner, S., and Felmlee, D. 2019. Location, location, location: Understanding patterns of terrorism in India (2007-2017). The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society 15, no. 4 (2019): 23-39.

Ashford, J.R., Turner, L.D., Whitaker, R.M., Preece, A., Felmlee, D. and Towsley, D. 2019. Understanding the Signature of Controversial Wikipedia Articles through Motifs in Editor Revision. WWWโ€™19.

Sterner, G., and D. Felmlee. 2019. The Social Networks of Cyberbullying on Twitter: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. In Information Resources Management Assoc, Multigenerational Online Behavior and Media Use.

Felmlee, D., McMillan, C., Rodis, P., and D.W. Osgood. 2018. Falling Behind: Lingering Costs of the High School Transition for Youth Friendships and GPA. Sociology of Education 91: 159-182. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038040718762136

Felmlee, D., Inara Rodis, P., and S.C. Francisco. 2018. What a B!tch!: Cyber Aggression Toward Women of Color. Gender and the Media: Womenโ€™s Places; Advances in Gender Research 26:105-123.


McMillan, C., Felmlee, D.H., and Osgood, D.W. 2018. Peer Influence, Friend Selection, and Gender: How Network Processes Shape Adolescent Smoking, Drinking, and Delinquency. Social Networks 55: 86-96.

          BEST ARTICLE AWARD: Graduate Student Led; PSU, Sociology.

Alwin, D.F., Felmlee, D.H., and Kreager, D.A. (Eds). 2018. Social Networks and the Life Course: Integrating the Development of Human Lives and Social Relational Networks. Series: Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research (Volume 2). Switzerland: Springer.

Flynn, H.K., Felmlee, D.H., Shu, X., and Conger, R.D. 2018. Mothers and Fathers Matter: The Influence of Parental Support, Hostility, and Problem-Solving on Adolescent Friendships. Journal of Family Issues 39(8): 2389-2412.

Sprecher, S., Felmlee, D. Stokes, J., and B. McDaniel. 2020. Social Networks and Relationship Maintenance. Relationship Maintenance: Theory, Process and Context. Cambridge University Press.

Felmlee, D. and H. Colleen Sinclair. 2018. Social Networks and Personal Relationships. In The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships, 2nd Ed., edited by Anita Vangelisti and Daniel Perlman. London, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Yarlagadda, R., Felmlee, D.H., Verma, D. and Gartner, S.S. 2018. Implicit Terrorist Networks: A Two-Mode Social Network Analysis of Terrorism in India. Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling โ€“ 11th Conference, SBP-BriMS, Proceedings, Vol., 10899. Springer-Verlag, p. 340-347.

Braines, D., Felmlee, D., Towsley, D., Tu, K., Whitaker, R.M., and Turner, L.D. 2018. The Role of Motifs in Understanding Behavior in Social and Engineered Networks. SPIE, Vol. 10653.

Felmlee, D. Macmillan, C., Rodis, P., and D.W. Osgood. 2018. The Evolution of Youth Friendship Networks from 6th to 12th Grade: School Transitions, Popularity and Centrality. In Alwin, D.F., Felmlee, D.H., and Kreager, D.A. (Ed.โ€™s), Social Networks and the Life Course: Integrating the Development of Human Lives and Social Relational Networks. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Selected Grants

  • IBM Watson Research Center. Distributed Analytics and Information Science (DAIS ITA), BB20. Investigating Networks Through Negative Ties. $1,600,000. Current.
  • National Science Foundation. A Quasi-Experimental Study of Effects of Corporate Policy (with D. DellaPosta and S. Matthews). 2018โ€“2020.
  • Center for Security Research and Education. Identifying Non-State Actors Using a Combined Net Assessment and AI-Machine Learning Approach., Pennsylvania State University. 2020โ€“2021.
  • Distributed Analytics and Information Science (DAIS ITA), IPP; BPP18.  IBM Watson Research Center. Investigating Group Behavior Through Network Motifs. $1,600,000.
  • Social Data Analytics (SoDA). Analysis of Cyberbullying Dynamics in Media-Rich Social Networking Sites (with A. Squicciarini and C. Griffin).



Research Interests by Concentration


Social Networks, aggression and friendship networks, cyberbullying

Family and Relationships

close relationships, social networks

Quantitative Methods

Quantitative Methodology; longitudinal analysis; interdependent events

Social Inequality

gender, power
Diane  Felmlee
642 Welch Building, University Park, PA 16802