Sociology Graduate Courses

Sociology Graduate Courses

In addition to the illustrative sociology courses listed below, many of our students enroll in seminars offered by other Penn State graduate programs, including anthropology, economics, education policy studies, geography, history, human development and family studies, political science, psychology, religious studies, rural sociology, statistics, and women’s studies.

Course Number
Course Name
SOC 500
Professionalization Seminar
SOC 502
Classical Theory
SOC 503
Contemporary Theory
SOC 513
Soc. Research Methods
SOC 518
Survey Methods I
SOC 519
Survey Methods II
SOC 521
Family Demography
SOC 522
Demography of the Life Course
SOC 523
Internal and International Migration
SOC 525
Immigration, Assimilation, and Inequality
SOC 526
Health Disparities
SOC 527
Migration, Urbanization, Policy
SOC 529
Seminar in Race and Ethnicity
SOC 530
Sociology of Family
SOC 532
Global Health and Mortality
SOC 533
Sociology of Religion Seminar
SOC 535
Sociology of Aging
SOC 537
Biosocial Perspectives on the Family
SOC 538
Sociology of Education
SOC 544
Current Issues in Complex Organizations
SOC 551
SOC 553
Educational Mobility in Comparative Perspective
SOC 560
Urban Sociology
SOC 572
Causal Analysis
SOC 573
Demographic Techniques
SOC 574
Statistical Methods for Social Research
SOC 575
Statistical Methods II
SOC 577
Event History
SOC 578
Multilevel Modeling
SOC 579
Spatial Demography
SOC 580
Social Network Analysis
SOC 591
SOC 592
Writing for Publication in the Social Sciences
SOC 595
A Survey Research Practicum
SOC 597
Education and Demographic Change in the United States and Abroad
SOC 597
Demography of Gender
SOC 597
Economic Sociology
SOC 597
Family Policy
SOC 597
Gender and Social Psychology
SOC 597
Political Sociology
SOC 597
Qualitative Methods
SOC 597
Race, Immigration, and Res Inequality
SOC 597
Sociology of Culture
SOC 597
Social Psychology
SOC 597
Collective Action and Social Movements
SOC 597
Demography of Inequality
SOC 597
Population, Gender, and Africa

*Offered in the last five years