Are You Looking for a Minor that Can Help You in Almost Any Career?
Sociology is the scientific study of human beings in groups. The sociology minor allows students to explore the wide range of topics, social groups, and social interactions studied by sociologists. From social inequalities and social problems to the familiar institutions of family, school, religion, and government, the diversity of courses available allows sociology minors to explore courses relevant to their interests. The courses also provide complex interactions of global economies and political alliances. Requiring a minimum of 18 credits in sociology, including Introductory Sociology (SOC 001) and two courses at the 400-level, students have flexibility in choosing a set of courses for their sociology minor.
Requirements for the Minor
For a complete list of requirements, please visit the University Bulletin here.
Important Notes*
- All students who minor in Sociology must complete at least 6 of the 18 credits in the Penn State “system”, including 3 credits at the 400-level. The remaining 12 credits of the minor may be transfer credits in accordance with Faculty Senate policy (59-10).
- At least 6 credits must be at the 400 level and one 400 level course must be classroom-based.
- Up to 6 credits of the following courses may be applied to the minor: SOC 294, 296, 300, 494, 496. Each of these experiential courses may be applied only once and only one teaching assistant experience (SOC 296 or 300) can be applied to the minor.
- LA 496D may not be used toward the minor but may be used as elective credits to count toward the credit requirement for graduation.
- Internship credits (LA 495) may NOT be applied to the minor.
- Up to 6 credits of education abroad classes may be applied to the minor.
- Students may declare the SOC minor on LionPATH at the end of the second year, once they have completed 60 total credits. Students must declare the SOC minor before the late drop deadline of their final semester.
- A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the minor.
- Race relations project/world in conversation project will count for 3 credits in minor if taken for 2 semesters (SOC 469).
- 6 credits must be unique from the prescribed courses in the student’s major.
Who Can Answer My Questions about the Sociology Major or Minor?
Click here to contact one of our sociology advisers.
Related Programs
Penn State World Campus Undergraduate Minor in Sociology