Arnold and Bette Hoffman Professor Emeritus of Family Sociology and Demography
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. 1983 James Cook University (Australia), Behavioral Science
Professional Bio
Research and Teaching Interests
Causes and consequences of separation and divorce, marriage and marital quality, parent-child relationships, psychological distress and well-being over the life course
Professional Awards and Achievements
- 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award, James Cook University, Australia
- 2013 President, National Council on Family Relations
- 2012 Chair, Sociology of the Family Section, American Sociological Association
- 2008 Ernest Burgess Award for outstanding scholarly and career achievement in the study of families, National Council on Family Relations
- 2008 Reuben Hill Award from the National Council on Family Relations for the best article published in the previous year to combine theory and research on the family
- 2006 Distinguished Career Award, American Sociological Association, Sociology of the Family Section
- 2006 Member of the Sociological Research Association
- 2004 Highly Cited Researcher, Thomson Institute for Scientific Information
- 2003 Distinction in the Social Sciences Award, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State
- 2003 Stanley Cohen Distinguished Research Award, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
- 2002 Reuben Hill Award from the National Council on Family Relations for the best article published in the previous year to combine theory and research on the family
- 2002 Conference Program Chair, National Council on Family Relations
- 2001 Fellow of the National Council on Family Relations
- 2001 Impact Award, Coalition for Marriage, Family, and Couples Education
- 2000 Reuben Hill Award from the National Council on Family Relations for the best article published in the previous year to combine theory and research on the family
- 1999 Elected Chair, Research and Theory Section, National Council on Family Relations
- 1994 Reuben Hill Award from the National Council on Family Relations for the best article published in the previous year to combine theory and research on the family
- 1992 Fulbright (Indo-American) Fellowship from the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars to conduct research in India
Selected Publications
- Amato, Paul R. and Jennifer B. Kane. 2011. โParentsโ Marital Distress, Divorce, and Remarriage: Links with Daughtersโ Early Family Formation Transitions.โ Journal of Family Issues 32: 1073-1103.
- Amato, Paul R. and Brett Beattie. 2011. โDoes the Unemployment Rate Affect the Divorce Rate? An Analysis of State Data 1960-2005.โ Social Science Research 40: 705-715.
- Xu, Anqi, Yuanting Zhang, and Paul R. Amato. 2011. โA Comparison of Divorce Risk Models in China and the United States.โ Journal of Comparative Family Studies 42: 289-295.
- Amato, Paul R. and Jennifer B. Kane. 2011. โLife Course Pathways and the Psychosocial Well-Being of Young Adult Women.โ Journal of Marriage and Family 73: 279-295.
- Amato, Paul R. 2010. โResearch on Divorce: Continuing Trends and New Developments.โ Journal of Marriage and Family 72: 650-666.
- Stanley, Scott M., Galena K. Rhoades, Paul R. Amato, Howard J. Markman, and Christine A. Johnson. 2010. โThe Timing of Cohabitation and Engagement: Impact on First and Second Marriages.โ Journal of Marriage and Family 72: 906-918.
- Cheadle, Jacob, Paul R. Amato, and Valarie King. 2010. โPatterns of Nonresident Father Involvement.โ Demography 47: 205-226.
- Amato, Paul R. and Spencer James. 2010. โDivorce in Europe and the United States: Similarities and Differences Across Nations.โ Family Science: Journal of the European Society on Family Relations 1: 2-13.
- Amato, Paul R., Catherine E. Meyers, and Robert E. Emery. 2009. โChanges in Nonresident Father-Child Contact From 1976 to 2002.โ Family Relations 58: 41-53.
- Hohmann-Marriott, Bryndl and Paul R. Amato. 2008 โRelationship Quality in Interethnic Marriages and Cohabitations.โ Social Forces 87: 825-856.
- Amato, Paul R., Nancy Landale, Tara Habasevich, Alan Booth, David Eggebeen, Susan McHale, and Robert Schoen. 2008. โPrecursors of Young Womenโs Family Formation Trajectories.โ Journal of Marriage and Family 70: 1271-1286.
- Amato, Paul R. and Jacob Cheadle. 2008. โParental Divorce, Marital Conflict, and Childrenโs Behavior Problems: A Comparison of Adopted and Biological Children.โ Social Forces 86: 1139-1161.
- Daniel Hawkins, Paul R. Amato, and Valarie King. 2007. โThe Relationship Between Nonresident Father Involvement and Adolescent Well-Being: Parent Effects or Child Effects?โ American Sociological Review 72: 990-1010.
- Amato, Paul R., Alan Booth, and David Johnson. 2007. Alone Together: How Marriage in America is Changing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Amato, Paul R. 2007. Strengthening Marriage is an Appropriate Social Policy Goal. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 26: 952-956, 961-963.
- Amato, Paul R. and Rebecca Maynard. 2007. Decreasing Nonmarital Births and Strengthening Marriage to Reduce Poverty. Future of Children17: 117-142.
- Amato, Paul R., and Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott. 2007. A Comparison of High and Low-Distress Marriages that End in Divorce. Journal of Marriage and Family 69: 621-638.