Board of Visitors

Board of Visitors

The Department of Sociology and Criminology Board of Visitors serves as an important bridge, linking the Department, current students and its alumni. It is composed of those with a passion for the Sociology and Criminology disciplines from diverse professional careers.


The mission of the Department of Sociology and Criminology Board of Visitors is to assist the Department in strengthening and advancing its educational enterprise. Our goal is to support activities that will promote the Department’s national and international prominence, dedication to teaching excellence, and student development.


  • Advocate the mission, goals and objectives of the Department to external constituencies including alumni, friends, and the community at large.
  • Raise awareness of the excellence of the Department’s educational offerings, academic accomplishments, and faculty activities.
  • Create supportive linkages between the Department, multiple generations of alumni, and other organizations that will strengthen and enhance the lifelong engagement and commitment to the Department.
  • Assist students with professional development and career advancement by creating opportunities for career advice, networking, mentoring, internships, and education abroad.
  • Build financial support for the Department through participation in selected fund-raising activities and by providing meaningful financial support which advances the Department.

The Board of Visitors meets twice per year and works with alumni, faculty, students, and friends of Penn State to advance the standing of the Department. Current members of the Board of Visitors are as follows:

  • Robert Caruso
  • Victor Curley
  • Kevin Deasy
  • Ron Kocher
  • Charles Kulp
  • John Kramer
  • Nancy Lauer
  • Charles Lutz
  • Mary Marsh
  • Robert Martin
  • Amanda Reinitz
  • Mike Wagner, Board Chair
  • Delore Zimmerman

We invite you to learn more about the Department of Sociology and Criminology Board of Visitors and how you can become more involved. Please contact Joy Vincent-Killian, Cocurricular Coordinator, Department of Sociology and Criminology,, 814-867-3291 for further information.