Many Professors Have to Report Sexual Misconduct. How Should They Tell Their Students That?

Many Professors Have to Report Sexual Misconduct. How Should They Tell Their Students That?

Many Professors Have to Report Sexual Misconduct. How Should They Tell Their Students That?

Many Professors Have to Report Sexual Misconduct. How Should They Tell Their Students That?

This week, as professors and graduate students make final preparations for their fall classes, some have been grappling with an especially fraught issue: how to tell their students about their responsibility to report sexual misconduct.

At many โ€” and possibly most โ€” colleges, the vast majority of faculty members and graduate-student instructors are considered mandatory reporters. If they hear about any incident of sexual misconduct, they must report it to the Title IX office or another campus authority. But their students might not know that.

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Many Professors Have to Report Sexual Misconduct. How Should They Tell Their Students That?

This week, as professors and graduate students make final preparations for their fall classes, some have been grappling with an especially fraught issue: how to tell their students about their responsibility to report sexual misconduct.

At many โ€” and possibly most โ€” colleges, the vast majority of faculty members and graduate-student instructors are considered mandatory reporters. If they hear about any incident of sexual misconduct, they must report it to the Title IX office or another campus authority. But their students might not know that.

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