Contributing Authors:
Adriana Reyes, PhD alum and Research Fellow, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan studies The Economic Organization of Extended Family Households by Race or Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status.
Aggie Noah, PhD alum and Assistant Professor of SST Asian Pacific American Studies at Arizona State University and Nancy Landale, Liberal Arts Research Professor Emerita of Sociology and Demography explore Parenting Strain Among Mexican-Origin Mothers: Differences by Parental Legal Status and Neighborhood.
Emily Smith-Greenaway, PhD alum and Assistant Professor of Sociology and Spatial Sciences at University of Southern California, and Shelly Clark, Professor of Sociology at McGill University, study Women's Marriage Behavior Following a Premarital Birth in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Contributing Authors:
Adriana Reyes, PhD alum and Research Fellow, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan studies The Economic Organization of Extended Family Households by Race or Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status.
Aggie Noah, PhD alum and Assistant Professor of SST Asian Pacific American Studies at Arizona State University and Nancy Landale, Liberal Arts Research Professor Emerita of Sociology and Demography explore Parenting Strain Among Mexican-Origin Mothers: Differences by Parental Legal Status and Neighborhood.
Emily Smith-Greenaway, PhD alum and Assistant Professor of Sociology and Spatial Sciences at University of Southern California, and Shelly Clark, Professor of Sociology at McGill University, study Women's Marriage Behavior Following a Premarital Birth in Sub-Saharan Africa.