Daniel DellaPosta

Daniel DellaPosta
Associate Professor of Sociology and Social Data Analytics

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D., Cornell University, 2017
B.A., University of Chicago, 2011

Professional Bio


I study network dynamics in political, economic, and organizational contexts. Most broadly, my research focuses on how interdependent actors collectively shape social structure. I am especially interested in how networks shapeโ€”and are shaped byโ€”social expectations, norms, and attitudes. I work with data from historical sources, surveys, and the web using a combination of network analysis, statistical modeling, and computational methods. While addressing diverse empirical and theoretical puzzles, my research features a core focus on the mechanisms giving rise to intergroup cooperation and conflict, political and attitudinal alignments, and economic organization. 

Research Interests by Concentration

Social Institutions and Culture

collective behavior, political  & cultural polarization, innovation & diffusion, emergence
Daniel DellaPosta
627 Welch Building, University Park, PA 16802