Doris MacKenzie

Doris MacKenzie
Adjunct Senior Scientist in Criminology


Ph.D. Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University 1983
M.S. Psychology, Penn State, 1978
B.A. Psychology, Penn State, 1976


Professional Bio

Research Interests

Correctional boot camps, corrections, and sentencing

Professional Grants

  • Principal Investigator.  Experimental Study of Marylandโ€™s Therapeutic Boot Camp:  A Randomized Trial.  MD Governorโ€™s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.  2005-2006.
  • Co-Investigator with Ojmarrh Mitchell.  Race and Sentencing:  A Meta-Analysis.  National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 2002โ€“2003.
  • Principal Investigator.  Experimental study of Marylandโ€™s boot camp program.  MD Governorโ€™s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.  2001โ€“2004.
  • Faculty Supervisor, National Institute of Justice Fellowship to Angela Gover, Exposure to Family Violence and Adjustment in Corrections, 1999โ€“2000.
  • Co-Investigator, with Gaylene Styve Quality of conditions of Confinement: The Effect of Privatization on Juvenile Correctional Institutions, National Institute of Justice, 1999โ€“2000.

Professional Awards and Achievements

  • Awarded Fulbright Research Scholar Grant to study in China, 2007.
  • Recognized as one of the 10 most โ€œproductive criminology and criminal justice scholarsโ€ by Steiner, B. and J.  Schwartz (2005)  Journal of Criminal Justice, 34:393-400, 2006.
  • Most Distinguished Scholar, American Society of Criminology Division on Corrections and Sentencing, 2005.
  • Bloch Award, American Society of Criminology, 2004.
  • Elected Fellow, Academy of Experimental Criminology, 2004.
  • Cecil and Ida Green Honors Professor, Texas Christian University, February 2001.
  • National Association of Governmental Communicators (NAGC) second place award for Correctional Boot Camps: A Tough Intermediate Sanction (MacKenzie and Hebert, 1996).
  • Honored as a "Researcher of Distinction" by Phi Delta Kappa and acknowledged by the Honorable R.H. Baker in the U.S. House of Representatives Congressional Record, 1989.
  • Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, Certificate of Appreciation for "Outstanding Leadership Contributions, and Dedicated Service to the Nation's Criminal Justice Community," 1992.
  • Louisiana Probation and Parole Officers Association, for Meritorious and Outstanding Service to the Association, 1988.
  • Awarded Visiting Scientist position, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 1988-1990, renewed 1990โ€“1992.

Professional Presentations

  • Speaker, Turning the Page Conference. Los Angeles, April 2009.
  • Keynote Speaker, โ€œReentry: Examining What Works,โ€ International Community Corrections Association, St. Louis, Oct 2008.
  • Plenary Speaker, โ€œStructure and Components of Successful Educational Programs,โ€ Reentry Roundtable on Education, John Jay College, NY, NY, Mar-Apr, 2008.
  • Academy of Sciences, โ€œSex Offender Treatment,โ€ July 2006.Guest Lecturer, 2006, Cambridge Institute of Criminology, Lent Term 2006 Lecture Series, โ€œWhat Works in Corrections:  Reducing the Recidivism of Delinquents and Offenders,โ€ Cambridge, UK. Plenary Speaker, โ€œWhat Works in Community Corrections,โ€ July, 2005.  International Conference on New Developments in Community Corrections, Dalian, China. Plenary Speaker.  โ€œWhat Works in Corrections,โ€ New Developments in Criminal Justice Conference, 2004, Yangzhou City, China.

Selected Publications

Refereed and Law Journal Articles


  • Mitchell, O., D.B. Wilson & D.L. MacKenzie.  Does incarceration-based drug treatment reduce recidivism? A meta-analytic synthesis of the research.  Jr. Exp. Criminology: 3(4):353-375.
  • MacKenzie, D.L., D. Bierie, & O. Mitchell.  An experimental study of a therapeutic boot camp:  Impact on impulses, attitudes and recidivism.  Journal of Experimental Criminology: 3(3):221-246.
  • Oโ€™Neill, L., D.L. MacKenzie, & D. Bierie  Educational  Opportunities within Correctional Institutions: Does Facility Type Matter?  The Prison Journal.


  • Wilson, D. B., Mitchell, O., & MacKenzie, D. L. A systematic review of drug court effects on recidivism.  , J. Exp. Criminol. 2:459-87.
  • Mitchell, O. and D. L. MacKenzie. The Stability and Resiliency of Self-Control in a Sample of Offenders.    Crime & Delinquency 52(3): 432-449.
  • Mitchell, O. and D.L. MacKenzie. Disconfirmation of the predictive validity of the self-appraisal questionnaire in a sample of high-risk drug offenders.  Criminal Justice and Behavior, 33(4): 449-466.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. Aftercare following a correctional boot camp may reduce recidivism.  Criminology & Public Policy, 5(2): 501-504.

Books, Monographs, Major Encyclopedia Contributions and Chapters in Books


  • MacKenzie, D.L. Identifying evidence-based practice in corrections.  Thomlison, B., & Corcoran, K. Evidence-based internships. A manual for social work and criminal justice.  Oxford, UK:  Oxford University Press.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. (in press) Juvenile boot camps. Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law. In B.L. Cutler (ed), Sage Publications.


  • MacKenzie, D.L. What Works in Corrections? Reducing the Criminal Activities of Offenders and Delinquents. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Press.
  • MacKenzie, D.L., L. Oโ€™Neill, W. Povitsky and S. Acevedo (eds) Different Crimes, Different Criminals:  Understanding, treating and preventing criminal behavior. Cincinnati, OH:  LexisNexis/Anderson Publishing.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. Understanding Criminals and Crime:  Theory and Research.  In MacKenzie, D.L., L. Oโ€™Neill, W. Povitsky and S. Acevedo (eds)Different Crimes, Different Criminals:  Understanding, treating and preventing criminal behavior. Cincinnati, OH:  LexisNexis/Anderson Publishing.
  • Wilson, D.B., and D.L. MacKenzie. Correctional boot camps and offending.  In B.C. Welsh and D.P. Farrington (eds)  Preventing Crime:  What Works for Children,  Offenders, Victims, and Places.  D.B. Farrington and B.C. Welsh (eds). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Mitchell, Ojmarrh, Doris Layton MacKenzie, and David B. Wilson. The effectiveness of incarceration-based drug treatment: An empirical synthesis of the research.โ€  In Preventing Crime: What Works for Children, Offenders, Victims, and Places. David P. Farrington and Brandon C. Welsh (eds).  Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Work In Progress

  • MacKenzie, D.L. Rethinking Probation.  In L. Gideon and Hung-En Sung (eds)  Rethinking Corrections:  Rehabilitation, Reintregration, and Reentry.  Sage Publications, Inc
  • MacKenzie, D.L. Probation and parole: History, goals, and decision making.  Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. and Weiss, D.  Other countries have successfully reduced incarceration rates without increasing crime:  We can do it!  Journal of Offenders and Victims.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. Managing Random Assignment in Prisons.  Journal of Experimental Criminology.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. Prison-based and Jail-based Treatment.  In C. Leukefeld, J. Gregrich and T. Gullotta (eds), Handbook on Evidence Based Substance Abuse Treatment Practice in Criminal Justice Settings.  Springer Publishing.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. The effectiveness of Corrections-based education, vocational and work programs.  In J. Petersilia, K. Reitz (eds) Oxford Handbook on Sentencing and Corrections.  Oxford University Press.
  • MacKenzie, D.L. and R. Freeland. Effectiveness of juvenile residential programs.  In B. Feld and D. Bishop (eds).  Oxford Handbook on Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice.  Oxford University Press.
Doris MacKenzie