Jessica Mongilio

Jessica Mongilio

Curriculum Vitae


M.A. – Criminology, The Pennsylvania State University
B.S. – Neuroscience, The Ohio State University

Professional Bio

Jessica Mongilio is a Ph.D. Candidate in Criminology at Pennsylvania State University. Her research is centered on the study of adolescence and antisocial behaviors, through a developmental and biosocial lens. She explores factors related to the onset, persistence, and desistence of delinquency and substance use, utilizing longitudinal data and computational methodologies. To date, her work has examined the association between childhood head injury and the onset of adolescent delinquency, with future work to expand upon the mechanisms and moderators of this relationship. She also has an interest in adolescent substance use, with research analyzing both individual- and household-level risk factors for use.

Jessica is the recipient of the ASC Division of Biopsychosocial Criminology’s 2022 Rolf Loeber Student Innovation Award for her article published in the Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency. Her research has also been featured in outlets such as: Addiction, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, and The Criminology Academy Podcast.

Jessica Mongilio headshot
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