John McCarthy

John McCarthy
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D., 1968, Sociology, University of Oregon
B.A., 1963, Psychology/Philosophy, San Jose State University


Professional Bio

Research and Teaching Interests

Professor McCarthyโ€™s research and teaching interests include: collective behavior and social movements; policing of the public order; formal organizations; and mass media processes. His current project focuses on the emergence and trajectory of grassroots Tea Party groups. In recent years he has been a principal investigator on projects on a series of NSF funded research projects: โ€œSpiritual Entrepreneurialism.โ€ (with Chris Scheitle); Local Poor Empowerment Community Organizations (with Ed Walker); Media Coverage of Washington, D. C. Protest Gatherings; The Evolution of Public Protest in the U.S., 1960โ€“1995 (with Sarah Soule, Susan Olzak and Doug McAdam); The Evolution of Social Movement Organizations in the U.S., 1959โ€“2002 (with Frank Baumgartner); and Public Order Disturbances on College and University Campuses during the past decade (with Pat Rafail, Ed Walker, Andrew Martin and Clark McPhail).

Recent Professional Awards and Achievements

  • Senior Fulbright Research Scholar, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 1995โ€“1996
  • Visiting Scholar, Institute for International Studies, University of Michigan, February, 1996 (Mellon Seminar on Global Social Movements)
  • Member, National Science Foundation Sociology Review Panel, 1996โ€“1998
  • Elected Member of the Sociological Research Association, 1998
  • Distinction in the Social Sciences Award, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State, 2002
  • Member, National Science Sociology Program Committee of Visitors, 2002.
  • Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award, Penn State Graduate School, 2005
  • Chair, National Science Foundation Sociology Program Committee Visitors, 2006
  • First recipient of the โ€œJohn D. McCarthy Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Scholarship of Social Movements and Collective Behaviorโ€ Center for the Study of Social Movements, University of Notre Dame, 2007
  • Recipient of โ€œScholarly Achievement Awardโ€ from the Department of Sociology, Renmin University (Beijing, China), 2008
  • Member, Editorial Board, Sociological Forum, 1995-2002
  • Member, Editorial Board, Mobilization, 1996-present
  • Member, Editorial Board, American Sociological Review, 1998โ€“2001
  • Member, Editorial Board, Contemporary Sociology, 2007โ€“2009
  • President's Scholars Medal in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Penn State, 2012.
  • Service to the College Award, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State, 2016.
  • Years of Consecutive Finding from NSF Award, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State, 2016.


Selected Publications

  • Rafail, Patrick, Edward Walker, and John D. McCarthy (forthcoming). "Protests on the Front Page: Media Salience, Institutional Dynamics, and Coverage of Collective Action in the New York Times, 1960-1995."  Communication Research.  Online First:
  • Scheitle, Christopher, Erica Dollhopf and John D. McCarthy. (forthcoming). " Spiritual Districts: The Origins and Dynamics of U.S. Cities with Unusually High Concentrations of Parachurch Organizations." Social Science History.
  • Warner, Cody W. and McCarthy, John D. (2014). โ€œWhatever Can Go Wrong Will: Situational Complexity and Public Order Policingโ€. Policing and Society 24:566-587
  • Bevan, Shaun, Erik Johnson, Frank Baumgartner, and McCarthy, John D.  2013. "Understanding Selection Bias, Time-Lags and Measurement Bias in Secondary Data Sources: Putting the Encyclopedia of Associations Database in Broader Context. Social Science Research 42(6), 1750-1764.
  • Matthews, Stephen A., John D. McCarthy, and Patrick Rafail. 2011 "Using ZIP Code Business Patterns Data to Measure Alcohol Outlet Density?'" Addictive Behaviors 36(7): 777--780.
  • Rafail, Patrick S., Sarah A. Soule and John D. McCarthy. 2012. โ€œDescribing and Accounting for the Trends in U.S. Protest Policing, 1960-1995.โ€  Journal of Conflict Resolution. 56:736-765.
  • Dorius, Cassandra R., & McCarthy, John D.  .2012. Understanding Activist Leadership Effort in the Movement Opposing Drinking and Driving. Social Forces 90(2), 453-473.
  • Walker, Edward T., John D. McCarthy and Frank Baumgartner. 2011. โ€œReplacing Members with Managers? Mutualism Among Membership and Non-Membership Advocacy Organizations in the U.S.โ€ American Journal of Sociology. 116:1284-1337.
  • Johnson, Erik W., Jon Agnone and John D. McCarthy. 2010 โ€œMovement Organizations, Synergistic Tactics and Environmental Public Policy.โ€Social Forces. 88:2267-2292.
  • Walker, Edward T. and John D. McCarthy. 2010 โ€œLegitimacy, Strategy and Resources in the Survival of Community-Based Organizations.โ€ Social Problems 57:315-340.
  • Schwadel, Phillip A., John D. McCarthy and Hart M. Nelsen. 2009 โ€œThe Continuing Relevance of Family Income for Religious Participation: U.S. White Catholic Church Attendance in the Late 20th Century.โ€ Social Forces. 87(4):1997-2030.
  • Martin, Andrew, John D. McCarthy and Clark McPhail. 2009. โ€œWhy Targets Matter: Toward a More Inclusive Model of Collective Violenceโ€ American Sociological Review. 74(5):821-841.
  • McCarthy, John D., Larissa Titarenko, Clark McPhail, Boguslaw Augustyn and Pat Rafail. 2008.  โ€œSelection Bias in the Newspaper Coverage of Protests in Minsk, Belarus, 1990-1995.โ€  Mobilization. 13(2): 127-146.
  • Walker, Edward T., Andrew Martin and John D. McCarthy. 2008. โ€œConfronting the State, the Corporation and the Academy: The Influence of Institutional Targets on Social Movement Repertoires.โ€ American Journal of Sociology. 114:35-76.
  • McCarthy, John D., Andrew Martin and Clark McPhail.  2007. โ€œPolicing Disorderly Campus Protests and Convivial Gatherings: The Interaction of Threat, Social Organization and First Amendment Guarantees.โ€ Social Problems 54(3):274-296.
  • Martin, Andrew, Frank Baumgartner and John D. McCarthy. 2006. โ€œMeasuring Association Populations Using the Encyclopedia of Associations: Evidence from the Field of Labor Unions, Social Science Research.  35:771-778.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Clark McPhail. 2006. โ€œPlaces of protest: The public forum in principle and practice.โ€ Mobilization 11:229-247.
  • Minkoff, Debra and John D. McCarthy. 2005. โ€œReinvigorating the Study of Organizational Processes in Social Movements.โ€ Mobilization.10:289-308.
  • Edwards, Bob and John D. McCarthy, 2004. โ€œStrategy Matters: The Contingent Value of Social Capital in the Survival of Local Social Movement Organizations.โ€  Social Forces83(2): 621-652.
  • Earl, Jennifer, Andrew Martin, Sarah Soule and John D. McCarthy. 2004. โ€œThe Use of Newspaper Data in the Study of Collective Action.โ€ Annual Review of Sociology. 30:65-80.
  • McPhail, Clark and John D. McCarthy. 2004. โ€œWho Counts and How: Estimating the Size of Protests.โ€ Contexts. 3(3): 12-18.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Edward T. Walker. 2004. โ€œAlternative Organizational Repertoires of Poor Peopleโ€™s Social Movement Organizations.โ€Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 33 (Supplement): S97-S119.
  • Edwards, Bob and John D. McCarthy. 2004. โ€œResources and Social Movement Mobilization,โ€ Pp. 116-152  in The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, edited by David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, and Hanspeter Kriesi. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Earl, Jennifer, Sarah Soule and John D. McCarthy. 2003โ€œProtest Under Fire? Explaining the Policing of Protest.โ€  American Sociological Review 68:581-606.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Mayer N. Zald.  2002.  โ€œThe Enduring Vitality of the Resource Mobilization Theory of Social Movements.โ€ Pp. 533-565 in Jonathan H. Turner, ed. Handbook of Sociological Theory. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
  • Titarenko, Larissa, John D. McCarthy, Clark McPhail and Boguslaw Augustyn. 2001. โ€œThe Interaction of State Repression, Protest Form and Protest Sponsor Strength during the Transition from Communism in Minsk, Belarus, 1990-1995.โ€ Mobilization 6:129-150.
  • Smith, Jackie, John D. McCarthy, Clark McPhail and Boguslaw Augustyn. 2001. โ€œFrom Protest to Agenda Building: Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest Events in Washington, D.C.โ€ Social Forces 79:1397-1423.
  • McCarthy, John D. Clark McPhail and John Crist. 1999. โ€œThe Emergence and Diffusion of Public Order Management Systems: Protest Cycles and Police Response.โ€ Pp. 49-69 in Globalization and Social Movements. Ed. By Hanspeter Kriesi, Donatella della Porta and Dieter Rucht. London: McMillan.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Clark McPhail. 1998. โ€œThe Institutionalization of Protest in the United States.โ€ Pp. 83-110 in The Social Movement Society: Contentious Politics for a New Century. Ed. by David S. Meyers and Sidney Tarrow. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • McAdam, Doug, John D. McCarthy and Mayer N. Zald (Eds.). 1996. Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunity, Mobilizing Structures and Cultural Framings. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • McCarthy, John D.Clark McPhail and Jackie Smith. 1996. โ€œImages of Protest: Estimating Selection Bias in Media Coverage of Washington Demonstrations, 1982, 1991.โ€ American Sociological Review 61:478-499.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Mark Wolfson. 1996.  โ€œResource Mobilization by Local Social Movement Organizations: The Role of Agency, Strategy and Structure.โ€  American Sociological Review 61:1070-1088.
  • McCarthy, John D., David W. Britt and Mark Wolfson. 1991.  โ€œThe Channeling of Social Movements in the Modern American State.โ€  Social Movements, Conflict, and Change. 13:45-76.
  • Zald, Mayer N. and John D. McCarthy. 1987. Social Movements in an Organizational Society. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Dean R. Hoge. 1987. โ€œThe Social Construction of School Punishment:  Racial Disadvantage Out of Universalistic Process.โ€  Social Forces 65: 1101-1120.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Dean R. Hoge. 1985. โ€œThe Dynamics of Self-Esteem and Delinquency.โ€ American Journal of Sociology 90:396-410.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Dean R. Hoge. 1982. โ€œAnalysis of Age Effects in Longitudinal Studies of Adolescent Self-Esteem.โ€ Developmental Psychology 18:372-379.
  • Zald, Mayer N. and John D. McCarthy. 1979. The Dynamics of Social Movements, Winthrop Pub. Co., Cambridge, MA.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Mayer N. Zald. 1977.  โ€œResource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory.โ€  American Journal of Sociology82: 1212-1241.
  • McCarthy, John D. and Mayer N. Zald. 1973. The Trend of Social Movements in America:  Professionalization and Resource Mobilization, General Learning Press, Morristown, NJ.
  • McCarthy, John D. and William L. Yancey. 1971. โ€œUncle Tom and Mister Charlie:  Metaphysical Pathos in the Study of Racism and Personal Disorganization.โ€  American Journal of Sociology 76: 648-672.


Recent Research Grants

  • "Collaborative Research in the Emergence and Growth of Populist Grass Roots Protest groups in the U.S.: 2009-2014." National Science Foundation  2013-2016.
  • โ€œSpiritual Entrepreneurialism: The Founding Process Among Non-Profit Religious Groups in the U.S., 1998-2009.โ€ National Science Foundation. 2010โ€“2012.
  • โ€œUnderstanding the Likelihood of Occurrence and Dynamics of Campus Community Public Order Disturbances.โ€   National Science Foundation. 2006โ€“2008.
  • โ€œSurvival of Local Community Organizing Projects: 1993โ€“2007.โ€ (with Ed Walker) American Sociological Association (Spivak Fund). 2007-2008.
  • โ€œData Base Development for the Study of Social Policy.โ€ (with Frank Baumgartner) National Science Foundation. 2001โ€“2005.
  • โ€œCollaborative Research on the Dynamics of Collective Protest in the U.S., 1950โ€“1995.โ€ (With Doug McAdam, Susan Olzak and Sarah Soule) National Science Foundation.  2000โ€“2002. (Dynamics of Collective Action Data)
  • โ€œCollaborative Research in Specifying the Dimensions of Bias in Media Coverage of Demonstrations in Washington, D.C., 1973โ€“1995.โ€ (with Clark McPhail) National Science Foundation. 1996โ€“1999


Research Interests by Concentration

Social Institutions and Culture

social movements, collective behavior, protest groups
John McCarthy