Jeremy Staff

Jeremy Staff
Professor of Sociology, Criminology, and Demography

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D., University of Minnesota, August 2004


Professional Bio

Research Interests

Criminology, substance use, adolescent and young adult development

Research Grants

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Prevention and Methodology Training Program." 6/1/2021โ€“5/31/2026. Assistant Training Director.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Effects of Tobacco & ENDS Policies on Patterns of Adolescent ENDS Use." 7/1/2021โ€“6/30/2024. Subcontract Principal Investigator.
  • Economic and Social Research Council. โ€œCross-Cohort Research Programme: Employment, Health, and Well-being.โ€ 7/1/2015โ€“3/31/2018. Co-Investigator.
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. โ€œAlcohol Use across the Life Span.โ€ 4/15/2011โ€“4/15/2015. Co-investigator.
  • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. โ€œEarly Work Experiences and the Transition to Adulthood.โ€ 9/13/2007-8/31/2012. Principal Investigator.
  • Johann Jacobs Foundation. โ€œThe Role of Career Aspirations and Educational Expectations in the Process of Socioeconomic Attainment: Evidence from Two Recent Cohorts of Youth.โ€ 9/01/2007โ€“8/31/2008. Co-Principal Investigator.
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. โ€œHow Childhood Factors Amplify Risks of Heavy Alcohol Use.โ€ 4/01/2006โ€“3/31/2007. Investigator.

 Recent Publications (Since 2013)

  • Staff, Jeremy, Brian C. Kelly, Jennifer L. Maggs, and Mike Vuolo. Forthcoming. โ€œAdolescent Electronic Cigarette Use and Tobacco Smoking in the Millennium Cohort Study.โ€ Addiction.
  • Bucci, Rebecca, Jeremy Staff, Jennifer L. Maggs, and Lorah D. Dorn. Forthcoming. โ€œPubertal Timing and Adolescent Alcohol Use: The Mediating Role of Parental and Peer Influences.โ€ Child Development.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Brittany Freelin, and Jeylan T. Mortimer. Forthcoming. โ€œConsequences of Adolescent Employment for Young Adult Development.โ€ In Handbook of Adolescent and Young Adult Development, edited by Lisa Crockett, Gustavo Carlo, and John Schulenberg. American Psychological Association.
  • Freelin, Brittany and Jeremy Staff. Forthcoming. โ€œUncertain Adolescent Educational Expectations and College Matriculation in the Wake of the Great Recession.โ€ The Sociological Quarterly.
  • Bucci, Rebecca and Jeremy Staff. 2020. โ€œPubertal Timing and Adolescent Delinquency.โ€ Criminology 58:537-567.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Alyssa M. Yetter, Kelsey Cundiff, Nayan Ramirez, Mike Vuolo, and Jeylan T. Mortimer. 2020. โ€œIs Adolescent Employment Still a Risk Factor for High School Dropout?โ€ Journal of Research on Adolescence 30:406-422.
  • Staff, Jeremy and Jennifer L. Maggs. 2020. โ€œParents Allowing Drinking is Associated with Adolescentsโ€™ Heavy Alcohol Use." Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 44:188-195.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Jennifer Maggs, Christopher Seto, Julia Dillavou, and Mike Vuolo. 2020. โ€œElectronic and Combustible Cigarette Use in Adolescence: Links with Adjustment, Delinquency, and Other Substance Use.โ€ Journal of Adolescent Health 66:39-47.
  • Montโ€™Alvao, Arnaldo, Jeylan T. Mortimer, and Jeremy Staff. 2020. โ€œWork.โ€ In Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, edited by Stephen Hupp and Jeremy Jewell. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Jennifer L. Maggs, Rebecca Bucci, and Jessica Mongilio. 2019. โ€œChanges in Externalizing Behaviors After Children First Have an Alcoholic Drink and First Drink Heavily.โ€ Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 80:472-479.
  • Barbuscia, Anna, Jeremy Staff, George B. Ploubidis, Emla Fitzsimons, Jennifer L. Maggs. 2019. โ€œLight Drinking During Pregnancy: Social Advantages Explain Positive Correlates with Child and Early Adolescent Adjustment.โ€ Addictive Behaviors 98:106003.
  • Maggs, Jennifer L, Jeremy Staff, Megan E. Patrick, Laura Wray-Lake. 2019. โ€œVery Early Drinking: Event History Models Predicting Alcohol Use Initiation from Age 4 to 11 Years.โ€ Addictive Behaviors 89:121-127.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Jennifer L. Maggs, George B. Ploubidis, and Chris Bonell. 2018. โ€œRisk Factors Associated with Early Smoking Onset in Two Large Birth Cohorts.โ€ Addictive Behaviors 87:283-289.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Jeylan Mortimer, and Monica K. Johnson. 2018. โ€œWork Intensity and Academic Success.โ€ Pp. 337-358 in Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century, edited by Barbara Schneider. New York: Springer.
  • Maggs, Jennifer L. and Jeremy Staff. 2018. โ€œParents Who Allow Early Adolescents to Drink.โ€ Journal of Adolescent Health 62:245-247.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Nayan Ramirez, and Kelsey Cundiff. 2017. โ€œThe Vanishing Teenage Worker in the United States.โ€ Pp. 154-176 in Young Peopleโ€™s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures, edited by Ingrid Schoon and John Bynner. Cambridge University Press.
  • Maggs, Jennifer L. and Jeremy Staff. 2017. "No Benefit of Light to Moderate Drinking for Mortality from Coronary Heart Disease when better Comparison Groups and Controls Included." Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 78:387-388.
  • Staff, Jeremy and Jennifer L. Maggs. 2017. โ€œAlcohol and Cigarette Use from Age 23 to 55: Links with Health and Wellbeing in the Long-Term National Child Development Study.โ€ Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 78:394-403.
  • Johnson, Monica K., Jeremy Staff, Megan Patrick, and John Schulenberg. 2017. โ€œAdolescent Adaptation before, during, and in the Aftermath of the Great Recession in the United States.โ€ International Journal of Psychology 52:9-18.
  • Kreager, Derek A., Jeremy Staff, Robin Gauthier, Eva S. Lefkowitz, and Mark E. Feinberg. 2016. โ€œThe Double Standard at Sexual Debut: Gender, Sexual Behavior and Early Adolescent Peer Acceptance.โ€ Sex Roles 75:377-392.
  • Mortimer, Jeylan T., Minzee Kim, Jeremy Staff, and Mike Vuolo. 2016. โ€œUnemployment, Parental Help, and Self-Efficacy during the Transition to Adulthood.โ€ Work and Occupations 43:434-465.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Jennifer L. Maggs, Kelsey Cundiff, and Rebecca J. Evans-Polce. 2016. โ€œChildhood Cigarette and Alcohol Use: Negative Links with Adjustment.โ€ Addictive Behaviors 62:122-128.
  • Evans-Polce, Rebecca J., Jeremy Staff, and Jennifer L. Maggs. 2016. โ€œAlcohol Abstention in Early Adulthood and Premature Mortality: Do Early Life Factors, Social Support, and Health Explain this Association?โ€ Social Science & Medicine 163:71-79.
  • Kreager, Derek A., Daniel T. Ragan, Holly Nguyen, and Jeremy Staff. 2016. โ€œWhen Onset Meets Desistance: Cognitive Transformation and Adolescent Marijuana Experimentation." Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 2:135โ€“161.
  • Vuolo, Mike, Jeylan T. Mortimer, and Jeremy Staff. 2016. "The Value of Educational Degrees in Turbulent Economic Times: Evidence from the Youth Development Study." Social Science Research 57:233-252.
  • Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick, Jeremy Staff, John E. Schulenberg, and Megan E. Patrick. 2016. โ€œLiving Healthier and Longer: A Life Course Perspective on Education and Health.โ€ Pp. 369-388 in Handbook of the Life Course: Volume II, edited by Michael Shanahan, Jeylan Mortimer, and Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson.  New York: Springer.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Corey Whichard, Sonja E. Siennick, and Jennifer L. Maggs. 2015. โ€œEarly Life Risks, Antisocial Tendencies, and Preteen Delinquency.โ€ Criminology 53:677-701.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Nayan Ramirez, and Mike Vuolo. 2015. โ€œThe Transition to Adulthood Matters.โ€ Pp. 137-146 in Diverging Destinies: Families in an Era of Increasing Inequality, edited by Paul Amato, Alan Booth, Susan McHale, and Jennifer Van Hook.  New York: Springer.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Arnaldo Mont'Alvao, and Jeylan T. Mortimer. 2015. โ€œChildren at Work.โ€ Pp. 345-374 in Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science: Volume 4: Ecological Settings and Processes, edited by Marc Bornstein and Tama Leventhal. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Maggs, Jennifer L., Jeremy Staff, Deborah D. Kloska, Megan E. Patrick, Patrick M. Oโ€™Malley, John E. Schulenberg. 2015. โ€œPredicting Young Adult Degree Attainment by Late Adolescent Marijuana Use.โ€ Journal of Adolescent Health 57:205-11.
  • Felson, Richard B. and Jeremy Staff. 2015. โ€œCommitting Economic Crime for Drug Money." Crime & Delinquency. First published on June 26, 2015 as doi:10.1177/0011128715591696.
  • Maggs, Jennifer L., Jeremy Staff, Megan E. Patrick, Laura Wray-Lake, and John E. Schulenberg. 2015. โ€œAlcohol Use at the Cusp of Adolescence: A Prospective National Birth Cohort Study of Prevalence and Risk Factors." Journal of Adolescent Health 56:639-645.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Kaylin Greene, Jennifer L. Maggs, and Ingrid Schoon. 2014. โ€œFamily Transitions and Changes in Drinking from Adolescence through Midlife.โ€ Addiction 109: 227-236.
  • Siennick, Sonja E., Jeremy Staff, D. Wayne Osgood, John E. Schulenberg, Jerald G. Bachman, and Matthew VanEseltine. 2014. โ€œPartnership Transitions and Antisocial Behavior in Young Adulthood: A Within-Person, Multi-Cohort Analysis.โ€  Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 51:735-758.
  • Staff, Jeremy, Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, Megan Patrick, and John Schulenberg. 2014. โ€œThe Great Recession and Recent Employment Trends Among Secondary Students in the United States.โ€ Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 5:173-188.
  • Siennick, Sonja E., Eric A. Stewart, and Jeremy Staff.  2014. โ€œExplaining the Association between Incarceration and Divorce.โ€ Criminology 52:371-398.
  • Vuolo, Mike, Jeylan T. Mortimer, and Jeremy Staff. 2014. โ€œAdolescent Precursors of Pathways from School to Work.โ€ Journal of Research on Adolescence 24:145-162.
  • Mortimer, Jeylan T., Mike Vuolo, and Jeremy Staff. 2014. โ€œAgentic Pathways toward Fulfillment in Work.โ€ Pp. 99-126 in Psychological, Educational, and Sociological Perspectives on Success and Well-Being in Career Development, edited by Anita C. Keller, Robin Samuel, Manfred Max Bergman, and Norbert K. Semmer. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Bachman, Jerald G., Jeremy Staff, Patrick O'Malley, and Peter Freedman-Doan. 2013. โ€œAdolescent Work Intensity, School Performance, and Substance Use: Links Vary by Race/ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status.โ€ Developmental Psychology 49:2125-2134.
  • Vuolo, Mike and Jeremy Staff. 2013. โ€œParent and Child Cigarette Use: A Longitudinal, Multigenerational Study.โ€ Pediatrics 132:e568-577.  
  • Staff, Jeremy, John Schulenberg, Jerald Bachman, Michael Parks, and Matthew VanEseltine. 2013. โ€œIdentifying Good and Bad Jobs in Adolescence.โ€ Pp. 26-45 in Health and Safety of Young Workers: Proceedings of a U.S. and Canadian Series of Symposia. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Publication No. 2013-144.
  • Staff, Jeremy. 2013. Book review of Coming of Age in America: The Transition to Adulthood in the Twenty-first Century. Contemporary Sociology 42:117-118.
  • Morgan, Paul, Jeremy Staff, Marianne Hillemeier, George Farkas, and Steve Maczuga. 2013. โ€œRacial and Ethnic Disparities in ADHD Diagnosis from Kindergarten to Eighth Grade.โ€ Pediatrics 132:85-93.

Research Interests by Concentration


Criminology, Life Course Studies, Stratification


School-to-work transition, delinquency and achievement

Health and Life Course

criminology, life course studies, and stratification

Quantitative Methods

criminology, life course studies, and stratification

Social Inequality

criminology, life course studies, and stratification
Jeremy Staff
629 Welch Building, University Park, PA 16802