Associate Professor Emerita of Sociology
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Social Psychology, Harvard University, 1976
M.A., Student Personnel Administration for Higher Education, Cornell University, 1966
B.A., Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, 1964
Professional Bio
Research Activities and Teaching Interests
Taylor is a social psychologist who specializes in race/ethnic relations. She uses national survey data to examine respondents' perceptions and attitudes about their own lives, about their racial/ethnic ingroup and outgroups, and about social structures and policies. Her current focus is contextual research. She uses micro/macro data files that merge national public opinion data with census and crime statistics to ask how characteristics of localities affect residents' views.
Professional and Scholarly Achievements
Deputy Editor, Social Psychology Quarterly, 2000–2003
Editorial Board Member:
American Sociological Review, 1997–2000
Social Psychology Quarterly, 1992–1995
Public Opinion Quarterly, 1992–1995
Research Grants
- National Science Foundation, 1996–1997, for "Local Realities and Social Psychological Perspectives: Interdependent Systems of Racial and Ethnic Inequality."
- Spencer Foundation, 1987–1989, for "Race and Sex Differences in the Role of Education for Occupational Success" (with J. H. Braddock II and J. M. McPartland).
- National Science Foundation , 1985–1987, for "Educational Acceleration of Talented Science and Mathematics Students: Academic and Socioemotional Benefits and Costs."
Selected Publications
- Marylee C. Taylor. 2002. "Fraternal Deprivation, Collective Threat, And Racial Resentment: Perspective on White Racism." Pp. 13-43 in Iain Walker and Heather Smith, Eds. Relative Deprivation: Specification, Development, and Integration. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Marylee C. Taylor. 2000. "The Significance of Racial Context." Pp. 118-136 in David O. Sears, Jim Sidanius, Lawrence Bobo (eds.)Racialized Politics: The Debate About Racism in America. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Marylee C. Taylor. 2000. "Social Contextual Strategies for Reducing Racial Discrimination." Pp. 71-89 in Stuart Oskamp, Ed., Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Marylee C. Taylor. 1998. "How White Attitudes Vary with the Racial Composition of Local Populations: Numbers Count." American Sociological Review 63:512-535.
- Marylee C. Taylor. 1995. "White Backlash to Workplace Affirmative Action: Peril or Myth? Social Forces 73:1385-1414.
- Marylee C. Taylor. 1994. "The Impact of Affirmative Action on Beneficiary Groups: Evidence from the 1990 General Social Survey." Basic and Applied Social Psychology 15:143-178.
- Marylee C. Taylor. 1993. "Expectancies and the Perpetuation of Racial Inequity." Pp. 88-124 in P.D. Blanck (ed.) Interpersonal Expectations: Theory, Research, and Application, New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Marylee C. Taylor and Michael P. Johnson. 1986. "Interdisciplinary and Crossdisciplinary Social Psychology." British Journal of Social Psychology, 25 181-192.
- Marylee C. Taylor. 1983. "The Black and White Model of Attitude Stability: A Latent Class Examination of Opinion and Non-opinion in the American Public." American Journal of Sociology, 89, 373-401.
- Marylee C. Taylor and Judith A. Hall. 1982. "Psychological Androgyny: Theories, Methods, and Conclusions." Psychological Bulletin, 92, 347-366