Sociology Majors

Sociology (Soc) B.A. degree

The Sociology (Soc) B.A. degree provides students with strong training in sociology. Students study a broad range of sociological topics as well as sociological theory and statistical research methods, together with the University and College of Liberal Arts course requirements, which provide a very broad education in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. For this degree, students must complete 38 credits (with a grade of C or better) in required courses and electives including introductory and upper level statistics, sociological theory, 6 credits of their choice in lower level courses, 9 credits of their choice in upper level (400 level) sociology courses, and the senior research seminar. This degree option provides strong training in the basics of sociology, sociological theory and research methods and would be appropriate for students interested in graduate school in sociology or a variety of careers in fields such as social/human services, the nonprofit sector, corrections, or the business sector.

A minimum of 123 credits is required for graduation.  All major requirements must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Requirements for the Major:

38 credits

For the complete list of requirements, please visit the University Bulletin.

Planning Resources

SOC B.A. Checklist

Please note: the prerequisite for SOC 470 is SOC 207.  Students often find it advantageous to complete STAT 200 prior to SOC 207. Thus, the prerequisites for SOC 400W are SOC 207 and SOC 470, and this course sequencing is strictly enforced.

*It is recommended that you take SOC 400W in the first semester of your senior year.

Note: While SOC 294, 296, 300, 494, 496, and LA 496D provide students with terrific opportunities and learning experiences, these credits may NOT be counted in fulfillment of the Sociology major requirements. They may, however, be used as elective credits to count toward the credit requirement for graduation. SOC 469 may count for 3 credits toward the major if it is taken twice for a total of 6 credits.

Note: Internship credits will be counted towards elective credits, unless approved by the internship coordinator to meet a general 3 credit 400 level SOC course requirement.

Important Notes for Change of Location Students

  • 24 of the credits related to the primary area of study stipulated under “requirements for the major” must be completed at University Park, as per the requirement, Establishing Residency in a Major, as per University Policy.

General Education:
45 Credits

(4 credits are included in the REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MAJOR)

Bachelor of Arts
Degree Requirements:
24 Credits

Minimum of 20

First Year Seminar:

(Included in ELECTIVES or GENERAL EDUCATION course selection)

Writing Across the Curriculum:


United States Cultures
and International
Cultures Courses

(Included in ELECTIVES or GENERAL EDUCATION course selection)

Who Can Answer My Questions about the Sociology Major or Minor?

Click here to contact one of our sociology advisors.