This project aims to advance public health scholarship by leveraging and adapting Big Data analytical tools to overcome critical barriers in the field related to conventional assumptions about effects of neighborhood risk exposures on child health. It addresses the need to understand and model interneighborhood interdependencies (e.g., ecological inter-neighborhood networks) and underlying multidimensional social capital mechanisms in order to better understand population heterogeneity in neighborhood effects on child health across space and time. The project also integrates rigorous social and data science methodology to create new measures and test causal hypotheses that advance our understanding of social capital forces that foster resilience to adversity and improve child health behavior and outcomes.
This project aims to advance public health scholarship by leveraging and adapting Big Data analytical tools to overcome critical barriers in the field related to conventional assumptions about effects of neighborhood risk exposures on child health. It addresses the need to understand and model interneighborhood interdependencies (e.g., ecological inter-neighborhood networks) and underlying multidimensional social capital mechanisms in order to better understand population heterogeneity in neighborhood effects on child health across space and time. The project also integrates rigorous social and data science methodology to create new measures and test causal hypotheses that advance our understanding of social capital forces that foster resilience to adversity and improve child health behavior and outcomes.