Tenure Track Faculty

Tenure Track Faculty

Tenure Track Faculty

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Director, Undergraduate Program in Sociology
Associate Professor of Sociology
Faculty Affiliate, PSU Rock Ethics Institute
Faculty Affiliate, PSU Social Thought Program
Member, PSU Society for the Study of Religion
(814) 863-5365
Tenure Track Faculty
Gary John Adler
Professor of Sociology, Education, and Demography
Director, Graduate Program in Sociology
(814) 863-0955
Tenure Track Faculty
David Baker
Professor of Sociology and Criminology
(814) 863-2240
Tenure Track Faculty
Eric P. Baumer
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Policy
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty
(814) 865-2527
Tenure Track Faculty
Sarah Brothers
Roy C. Buck Professor of American Institutions and Sociology, Labor and Employment Relations, and Women's Studies
Associate Director, Population Research Institute
(814) 865-9090
Tenure Track Faculty
Sarah Damaske
Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography
(814) 863-0096
Tenure Track Faculty
Jonathan Daw
Associate Professor of Sociology and Social Data Analytics
(814) 865-8709
Tenure Track Faculty
Daniel DellaPosta
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography
(814) 863-5509
Tenure Track Faculty
Diane  Felmlee
Professor of Criminology and Sociology
(814) 865-8797
Tenure Track Faculty
Richard Felson
Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Policy
Associate Director, Graduate Program in Sociology
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty
(814) 863-2259
Graduate Directors Tenure Track Faculty
Sarah A Font
Assistant Professor of Sociology
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty
Tenure Track Faculty
Frazier Photo
Department Head
Professor of Sociology and Demography
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty
(814) 863-5507
Department Head Faculty Officers Tenure Track Faculty
Michelle Frisco
Arnold S. and Bette G. Hoffman Professor in Sociology
Director, Population Research Institute
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty, Social Science Research Institute Associate Director
(814) 863-4719
Tenure Track Faculty
Jennifer Glick
Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Research Associate, Population Research Institute
Associate Editor, Journal of Quantitative Criminology
(814) 863-7712
Tenure Track Faculty
Corina Graif
Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography
(814) 867-2830
Faculty Officers Tenure Track Faculty Undergraduate Directors
Steven A. Haas
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography
(814) 867-4337
Tenure Track Faculty
Melissa A. Hardy
Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty
Tenure Track Faculty
Jessica Ho
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography
(814) 867-2821
Tenure Track Faculty
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Liberal Arts Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Associate Head, Department of Sociology and Criminology
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty
(814) 867-0217
Associate Department Head Faculty Officers Tenure Track Faculty
Derek Kreager
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty
Tenure Track Faculty
Asset 1
Professor of Sociology, Criminology, and Public Policy
(814) 863-6436
Tenure Track Faculty
Megan Kurlychek
Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography
Associate Director, Center for Social Data Analytics
Tenure Track Faculty
Liying Luo
Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography
Dual-Degree Demography Program Director
(814) 863-5508
Graduate Directors Tenure Track Faculty
Molly A. Martin
Associate Professor of Sociology, Criminology, and Public Policy
(814) 863-5404
Tenure Track Faculty
Holly Nguyen
Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology
(814) 867-5864
Tenure Track Faculty
David Ramey
Associate Professor of Sociology and Social Data Analytics
Tenure Track Faculty
Charles Seguin
Professor of Sociology
(814) 863-0121
Tenure Track Faculty
Alan Sica
Professor of Sociology and Criminology
(814) 865-8714
Tenure Track Faculty
Eric Silver
Associate Professor of Sociology and Human Development and Family Studies
(814) 865-8798
Tenure Track Faculty
Stacy Silver
Professor of Sociology, Criminology, and Demography
(814) 865-4560
Tenure Track Faculty
Jeremy Staff
John Kramer Professor of Sociology and Criminology
(814) 466-6476
Tenure Track Faculty
Darrell Steffensmeier
Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Director, Criminal Justice Research Center
Program Co-Chair, Criminal Justice Policy and Administration MPS Degree, World Campus
(814) 404-8338
Center Directors Tenure Track Faculty
Jeffery T. Ulmer
Roy C. Buck Professor of Sociology and Demography
SSRI Co-Funded Faculty, Director of the Population Research Institute
(814) 867-2276
Center Directors Tenure Track Faculty
Jennifer Van Hook
Harry and Elissa Sichi Early Career Professor of Sociology, Demography, and Social Data Analytics
Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography
Faculty Co-Hire: Institute for Computational and Data Sciences
(814) 863-5385
Tenure Track Faculty
Ashton M. Verdery
Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Director, Graduate Program in Criminology
(814) 867-0215
Faculty Officers Graduate Directors Tenure Track Faculty
Pamela Wilcox
Professor of Sociology and Demography
(814) 863-0145
Faculty Officers Graduate Directors Tenure Track Faculty
Scott T. Yabiku